Drew is wearing a blazer and a white dress shirt. He is standing in downtown Knoxville near the East Tennessee History Museum.


That is what this campaign is about:
Education, Advocacy, and Vision.

Hi, my name is Drew Harper and I am running to be your next Knox County Assessor of Property. Inspired by my great-grandfather who served as Road Commissioner during the Great Depression, I will bring the values of collaboration, advocacy, and progress to the Assessor’s Office.

Our campaign has broad support from independents, Republicans, and Democrats. We are united for a more responsive, more transparent government that works for the people of Knox County.

Drew is talking to a group of supporters at a coffee shop in Knoxville's Old City.

A Fresh Vision

for Knox County.

I’m running for Assessor to bring a new perspective to local government. I will make sure that the Assessor’s office functions well for all residents of Knox County, and I will work hard to truly bring the office into the 21st century.

Say hello